St Benedict in his Rule cautions against a too hasty acceptance of candidates to a community “The entry of postulants into the monastic life should not be made to easy” [RB Chapter 58].
Exploring your call to the Religious Life is a lengthy journey of many stages. And Testing you sense of calling can be exciting, joyful, and at times, challenging.
Therefore, it is wise to take one step at a time. The period of postulancy is a time for the deepening of a woman’s experience of the Religious Life and the way that is expressed in the life of a particular community. While there is no expectation or obligation of a commitment on either side, it is nevertheless, the first serious step towards the possibility of living the vowed Religious Life.
A woman wishing to become a postulant with OCMM will need to have spent significant time as an Enquirer, and then have also experienced living with the community as an Alongsider for a minimum of a month.