Enquirers OCMM

As an expression of the community’s charism of hospitality the Sisters welcome women as Enquirers as they attempt to discern whether they are being called to this way of life. Spending time as an Enquirer with OCMM gives you and the community the opportunity to get to know each other and prayerfully begin to explore together if the Religious Life is for you.
As an Enquirer, you will be invited to our regular Quiet Days, and have the opportunity to come and spend time with us at other times e.g. having a quiet day on your own. There is no expectation on either side that an Enquirer will necessarily move on to testing her vocation with OCMM.
However, if someone is applying to be a vocational Alongsider with OCMM she will have spent time as an Enquirer before an application can be considered.
If you are interested in finding out more about being an Enquirer please contact:
The Novice Guardian OCMM
St Joseph’s House of Prayer
New Vicarage
Church Lane
Email: houseofprayerocmm@gmail.com